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Thursday, May 5, 2011
7 ways to eliminate Nicotine in the human bod
Nicotine is one of the substances contained in cigarettes which can cause damage to the tissue in the lungs, nicotine is also very dangerous if consumed in a long time, because nicotine in the human body can settle and too long will damage the lungs, to the level of kefatalannya can cause cancer.
7 Tips rid of nicotine in the body:
Expand to eat vegetables.
Drink white milk.
White soda consumption.
Eat fruits like kiwi, grapes, stroberri, peac, and POME, all it contains antioxidants to support your success.
Reduce smoking and quit smoking immediately.
if you travel using a vehicle (motors) try to wear a mask.
Eat at least 1 banana fruit / day.
Why bananas distinguish ane?? Because there are distinctive, namely: bananas also have neutralizing properties of nicotine content in the body, because according to research many mengadung banana juice can improve sel2 vitamin2 distinguished in the body that contained nicotine. to good for who already want to quit smoking and want to eliminate nicotine content or sisa2 existing. please eat just one banana a day. The content of vitamins B6 and B12 found in bananas, can neutralize the influence of nicotine in the body. In addition, the enzyme bromelain contained in bananas too, can increase libido in men. So consuming to provide exceptional khsiat on the body.
Sirgunggu Plants form a tall shrub 3 m. Leaves short-stemmed, oval to elongated, thick and stiff. Beringgit leaf edge. White-violet flowers are arranged in panicles. Blackish-green fruit in the form of fruit is egg-shaped stone.
Usually the root is also used to gurah, for good voice ..
How to manage it: the root bark ground and brewed with water, then dropped into the nose in order to treat various diseases associated with mucus, such as asthma, cough, or to obtain a clear sound. The effect of expenditure mucus from the nose and mouth.
Other benefits such as leaves are useful to refresh the women who are post partum. As an external medicine, leaves pounded with fennel pulosari for rheumatism and joint pain or fatigue. Young leaves are crumpled and added a little lime into liniment. Steeping the leaves with salt and ginger can be taken for a bloated stomach and as de-worming. Infusion of leaves of this plant has been studied in vitro are capable of destroying ginjal.Penelitian stone at the National Cancer Institute, Washington state, the water extract of this plant are active as anti-HIV in vitro.
Sirgunggu plant chemical constituents in different parts of her body-BESA. The leaves contain the element potassium, less sodium, alkaloids, and flavonoids flavone. In the skin there are roots phenol glycoside, mannitol, and sitosterol. While the bark contains triterpene compounds, acid ureanulat, kueretaruat acid, and acid seratogenat.
What's in the Hard Disk Osama Bin Laden?
Not only claimed the death of al-Qaida's number one Osama Bin Laden, the United States also reveals the 'discovery value' that is expected to reveal more about the mysterious organization.
As stated by a senior U.S. official told CNN site, the location of Osama hiding in Pakistan's Abbottabad, found 10 computer hard disk drives, five computers and more than 100 data storage device such as disc CD, DVD or USB flash disk.
Also found evidence that may be a record of communications between bin Laden with the Al-Qaeda lieutenants who are expected to uncover potential targets, strategic guidelines in the direction of an organization, as well as the locations of other al-Qaeda operators.
The U.S. government convinced that Osama computer hardware used to deliver a message to subordinates, subordinates, as a solution to the lack of telephone and internet connections in the hiding location.
"The most interesting is how we can get a hint into a possible terrorist plots now being carried out, so we can stop any attack plan. Secondly, we are still trying to find evidence that leads us to other individuals within this organization," said Head of the White House counter-terrorist John Brennan as reported by the Guardian website.
More details, the magazine New York Magazine, claims to get a copy of the file from insiders within the CIA. "With the help of supercomputers that we bought several years ago for U.S. $ 3 billion (about Rp25, 6 trillion), we were able to categorize the data in the hardware owned by bin Laden in a diagram," said NYMag.
The data in the computer Osama Bin Laden
From the findings of the magazine, the largest portion of the stored data (34 percent) were categorized pornographic files in a folder labeled "Old Tax Forms'. After that, most other NYMag claims data is recorded drama series The Wire, with a share of 21 percent.
The next largest portion is the MP3 files are downloaded by the children of Osama, which is 15 percent. Only then there is an internal data organization Al-Qaeda (14 percent), including the names, fictitious names, contact info, and even information about a number of allergies that diidap by members of al-Qaeda.
Interestingly, NYMag also reveal Osama recording data during the middle down a hill and menembakkkan AK-47, and the data contained book Osama's unpublished memoir, titled "Bin There, Done That".
However, until now no other media reports that reinforce the exclusive claims of this NYMag. How do you think? Would you believe with these findings?
This is Osama Bin Laden's Son With His wife of 52 Years of Age
Omar Osama bin Laden, the son of well-known al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, with his wife, Jane Felix-Browne, aka Zaina Alsahah, again making news horrendous. Both plan to attend a horse race in North Africa in order to promote peace.
So, who exactly Jane Felix-Browne? And why is this 52 year old woman married to a child 26 years old son of the most wanted men in the world?
Jane Felix-Browne, British women, has five previous marriage. He has had five grandchildren when he met with Osama bin Laden's Son, that during a horse ride at the Pyramids of Giza desert. Their marriage in April became the main topic in a variety of "the grandmother who married bin Laden's son."
Browne who came from the village of Cheshire, Moulton was a "grandmother who get help from the government" before "crazy" to Osama bin Laden's fourth son. He said he was "fascinated" to the young child. And, the fact that the young man was the son of the most hunted man in the world that does not bother him. By naive, he added, "I truly believe that someone is innocent until proven guilty, so I will not start judging his father."
He mocked criticism addressed to him who says that she is a woman who is very naive, middle-aged British woman who has let herself be wasted in the lap of a young man whose father had become an international fugitive by leaving all that comfortable life in England.
"Look, he does not need me to get a visa to come to England. What he should do is go to the British Embassy in Saudi Arabia. It's very ironic to say that he has used me. You need to know, London is a country filled with Bin Laden. Many uncles and aunts here. "
He also did not want to claim that there is a young man who becomes a suspect like Omar is interested in him.
"The question is, why men marry 50-year-old girl 20 years is not a problem? In contrast to an adult woman who wants to marry a young man, then it is called the scandal? "
These are the photos of Jane Felix Browne and Omar aka Zaina Alsabah Osama bin Laden.