Photo Miyabi Aka Maria Ozawa Cute and Her History

Photo Miyabi always attract scrutiny. Reviewed this time a little painful for her career journey in the world-Eshek Eshek...

Amazing Origami

Folding origami is an art that originated in Japan. Material used is usually paper or cloth square. An origami is a result of the work of the hands of ...

Curse Ridge No. 11 at Ac Milan

But in the reality behind the glorious and long history of Milan, there is a prevailing myth until now, that player number one jersey with 11 ...

Kiss And Bite From Kamasutra Techniques China

KISSING and bites during lovemaking was important and necessary variations. The goal is clear, to ...

Frank Lampard, Genius Football Player

who is not familiar with Frank Lampard, Chelsea club footballer of the intelligence turned out to have a high iq / superior above 150. ...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Amazing pencil drawings

There are some people among a very talented art and artists in Hong Kong is certainly one of the best in the world. pictures of black and white is not to give a dramatic effect. But that's only because he used a pencil in a drawing.
Believe it or not, this amazing picture is not a photograph - the pictures are only constrained by using a pencil.
These images are very similar to the original and the detail of the feathers is very unusual. While most people only use pencil so that they can easily be deleted if there is something wrong, but Paul Lung often spend up to 60 hours to make sketches of this latest work of art.

His works include photo-realistic images of stunning cat with fur that feels alive and the picture is impressive. She has even made a video of his work to make people believe that they are not photographs. Despite taking so much time on the progress of each picture, this 38-year-old man had to adjust his hobby with his time who also works as a graphic artist.
"I devoted all my life realism graphite drawing, especially images," said Lung of Hong Kong.
"Each image will take approximately 40 to 60 hours and I started doing it when I get back from work after working for about three to four hours a day."
"Most of my image and all A2 size using 0.5mm technical pencil realism graphite drawing I like because I can use just a single pencil to make millions of different texture .." he explained.

Various Kinds Abortion, You Must Know It

abortus definition

Abortion in Indonesia translated english dictionary with abortion. In Blaks's Law Dictionary, the word abortion is translated into an abortion in the Indonesian language means: "The spontaneous or induced articially expulsion of an embryo or featus. As Used in illegal context refers to induced abortion. Discharge of miscarriage with an embryo or fetus is not merely because it occurs naturally, but also intentional or due to interference (provocation) human.

Encyclopedia Indonesia mermberikan explanation that abortion is defined as termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks gestation or before the fetus weighed about 1,000 grams.

According Eastmen disconnection abortion is a pregnancy where the fetus has not been able to live alone outside the uterus, because it is still in the gestational age of less than 28 weeks. Similarly, the definition of abortion is Jefflot provide expenditure of the products of conception before 28 weeks gestation, the fetus is not viable by llaous. Holmer proposed definition of abortion as an interruption of pregnancy before the 16th week in which the placenta has not been completed.

In general terms provokatus criminal abortion dalah a premature birth before the baby can live on their own time outside the womb. In general, the fetus comes out it has no soul anymore. While legally provokatus criminal abortion is any termination of a pregnancy before the products of conception were born, regardless of age babies in the womb and the fetus was born in the dead or alive.

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The Youngest God of Gambler's on The World

This is the story of a young boy who just turned 21 years old who has managed to win playing poker, not half-hearted young man pocketed 8.55 million U.S. Dollar or the worth of 80 Billion, Wow, unbelievable. Diusianya a very young boy named Joe Cool Hand or more often addressed this Joe Cada enthrone himself as a young billionaire. Joe Cada success story in this poker gambling is reminiscent of the film director Robert Luketic besutan, the United States with the title of the film '21 '.

The film, starring Jim Sturgess, Kate Bosworth, Laurance Fishburne is if no one tells the success of the MIT students 'card counting' of poker, of course with the aim of winning this gambling, the clever students in coordinate and funded by one of his teachers, including trick-taught tricks to play poker or how to cheat maen poker, black jack into the goal.

Only the difference between Joe Cada with this movie, if Joe Cada really use the ability to play pokernya, if the film 21, they play poker in a team and use foul tricks in playing poker, want to see the pictures when it won the Joe Cada poker and grabbed the money of USD 80 Billion!
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Eight Reasons Strategies to Not Go Office

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Suffering from theflu because it was feared the most vulnerable to infectious, then thereason for this pain to be more acceptable to stay home from work

YOUfeel the body was not fit. But the reason you say may not trusted byyour boss. Then for reasons such as what would be trusted and does notdamage with another people trust to you?

Surelyyou have experienced this event. You wake up at night and did not feelwell. Your body temperature rises, chills, and hot and cold. Yourthroat or your stomach feels sick and twisted. You may wish that thepain will be gone tomorrow so you can keep working. 'veImagined in your head, how many jobs would be abandoned if you do notcome to work. However, if you really have to force myself to come towork?

The majority of companies can survive if there isactually one of its employees who did not come to work. You probablyalready know this. But maybe you worry if there is important work andeventually abandoned or afraid to pile up your credibility as a goodemployee so slightly disturbed.

It is true, a sick employee isnot productive and makes it "useless" for the company. But if you keepforcing yourself to work, could have you suffered infectious disease toother employees. Read More

Sand Shape After Zooming 110x

Sand is an art form itself. sand seems like a bunch of tiny brownstone, possibly flavored with crushed shells. But the sand has a farmore interesting story to tell.

Consistsof the remnants of the explosion of the volcano, eroded mountains, theorganisms die, and even man-made structures, sand can reveal thehistory of biology and geology-both-local environment. Gary Greenberg, a scientist researching deeper into the sand, the sand was a color who can reveal spectacular in terms of form and the tekstur

Hereare photo2 sand in 3D by using a microscope with Greenberg 3D Edge(110x magnification), a collection of grains of sand from around theworld
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List of most expensive films

1.Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 2007 $300m
2.Spider-Man 3 2007 $258m
3.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 2009 $250m
4.Avatar 2009 $237m
5.The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 2008 $225m
6.Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 2006 $225m
7.X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 $210m
8.Superman Returns 2006 $209m
9.King Kong 2005 $207m
10.2012 2009 $200m
11.Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 2009 $200m
12.Titanic 1997 $200m
13.Spider-Man 2 2004 $200m
14.Quantum of Solace 2008 $200m
15Terminator Salvation 2009 $200m
16. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 2008 $185m
17.The Dark Knight 2008 $185m


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