Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Physalis Angulata Have The Rich Benefits

Physalis angulata or ciplukan which in Latin is called as Physalis angulata is one of the herbal plants that live one season and have about one meter high. Physalis angulata or ciplukan (Physalis angulata),which has a distinctive fruit covered by the enlargement of the flowerpetals are rich in a variety of benefits, especially as herbs(medicines).

Physalis angulata or ciplukan dikebal with various local name (local) like keceplokan, ciciplukan (Java), nyornyoran, yoryoran, (Madura), cecendet, cecendetan, cecenetan (Sunda), kopok-kopokan, kaceplokan, questionnaire (Bali), leletep (partially Sumatra), leletokan (Minahasa), Kenampok, musk (Sasak), lapunonat (Tanimbar, Seram), leaf-Kopo coffee, leaf Lotto-Lotto, meadow rase, dagameme, questionnaire, dededes, Boba leaves, and others. Read More


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