Six planets will be in one line in the coming weeks. This scene can be seen in the early morning when the sky is clear.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter can be seen with the naked eye. While Uranus and Neptune are visible only when the binoculars are used. This opportunity can also be used with software such as Stellarium planetarium.
Venus seems the most runners can be used as a benchmark to find another planet. In between Venus and the sun, there is Jupiter, the second planet that looks the brightest. Mars will appear just above Jupiter, while Mercury is between Jupiter and Venus. Uranus - should be seen with binoculars - is to the right of Venus. Neptune is more to the right. Moon in the next few days will also join the ranks of these.
The position of six planets in a row is a rare photographic opportunity. So, prepare binoculars, cameras and long lenses.
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