Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Did You Know? When Sneeze, Heart Will Stopped Beating for a Moment

Every person must have sneezed, did not?. Then you know what really happens when we sneeze?.
Firstwe need to know what it sneeze?. Sneezing is a semi-autonomous airdischarge which occurs with hard through your nose and mouth. This aircan reach the speed of 70 m / sec (250 km / h). Sneezing can spread thedisease through the grains infected with the diameter of water between0.5 to 5 μm. Approximately 40 000 grains of water as it can be producedin a single sneeze. Here is why you all should use a tissue whensneezing to prevent water-water containing the disease does not spreadeverywhere.
Then why do not we sneeze would close my eyes again?.Because there are nerves in the nose and eyes were actuallyinterrelated, so that when we sneeze, then our eyes will beautomatically closed. This is to protect the tear ducts and bloodcapillaries that are not contaminated by bacteria coming out of themembrane of the nose. At the time we sneeze, the reflex muscles in ourfaces became tense, the heart will stop beating for a moment.Immediately after sneezing then would come back again beating heartbeating again alias.

Causes sneezing:
1. The incoming airstream will pass through the nasal cavity nasal mucousmembrane-covered, if the mucous membrane was exposed to irritantsubstances or allergens will arise sneeze.
2. Arising from the presence of inflammation (rhinosinusitis), foreign bodies, viral infections, or allergic reactions. Read More


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