Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Various Kinds Abortion, You Must Know It

abortus definition

Abortion in Indonesia translated english dictionary with abortion. In Blaks's Law Dictionary, the word abortion is translated into an abortion in the Indonesian language means: "The spontaneous or induced articially expulsion of an embryo or featus. As Used in illegal context refers to induced abortion. Discharge of miscarriage with an embryo or fetus is not merely because it occurs naturally, but also intentional or due to interference (provocation) human.

Encyclopedia Indonesia mermberikan explanation that abortion is defined as termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks gestation or before the fetus weighed about 1,000 grams.

According Eastmen disconnection abortion is a pregnancy where the fetus has not been able to live alone outside the uterus, because it is still in the gestational age of less than 28 weeks. Similarly, the definition of abortion is Jefflot provide expenditure of the products of conception before 28 weeks gestation, the fetus is not viable by llaous. Holmer proposed definition of abortion as an interruption of pregnancy before the 16th week in which the placenta has not been completed.

In general terms provokatus criminal abortion dalah a premature birth before the baby can live on their own time outside the womb. In general, the fetus comes out it has no soul anymore. While legally provokatus criminal abortion is any termination of a pregnancy before the products of conception were born, regardless of age babies in the womb and the fetus was born in the dead or alive.

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