One of the most famous and most mysterious of our planet is revered tourists - rock Devils Tower, located in northeastern Wyoming in the U.S..
Let's start with the fact that the Tower of Satan or the Devil's Tower - not merely in name of this stone. Other names associated with one of the Indian legend of the seven local girl who was walking in the woods when they threw a big bear and malignant. Then they escaped from an angry beast, but the bear did not want to go. In desperation, the children rise above the simple stone and pray for the safety of the Great Spirit.
According to the legend: Spirit heard the innocent girls in trouble, and a stone suddenly began to grow, so the girls started to gradually rise above. In anger, the bear could not stop and try to climb the cliff, but he has failed, and there are stones that have scratched so as to form a large traces. In this case, the mountain continues to grow upward.
An experienced skydiver, George Hopkins, ignoring its dangers, hoping to become the conqueror of the summit.
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