Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Amazing Origami

Folding origami is an art that originated in Japan. Material used is usually paper or cloth square. An origami is a result of the work of the hands of a very thorough and smooth on the views.

Origami is the art of paper folding is believed to originated from the paper introduced in the first century in the era of ancient China in 105 AD by Ts'ai Lun.

Small pieces of paper production from plants and low-quality fabrics to increase the production of paper. Early examples of origami that comes from China is a barge (jung) and boxes.

In the 6th century, the way of paper making and then brought to Spain by Arabs. In the year 610 in the reign of empress Suiko (Asuka period), a Buddhist monk named Donchō (Dokyo) derived from Goguryeo (Korean Peninsula) came to Japan introduced a way of making paper and ink.

Origami has become popular among Japanese people until now mainly with the local Japanese paper called Washi.

Below Agan can see some of the most amazing origami models ever seen ane! Enjoy!!

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