Several species of African monkey like Sooty Mangebey (Cercocebus atys) is known to have a natural defense mechanism that prevents them from becoming infected with HIV. These primates infected with SIV can be reported without progressed to AIDS despite the amount of the virus very much.
Fenoma commonly known as natural hosts are currently being examined by scientists to study the development of drugs of HIV / AIDS to humans.
Scientists have found the body of the monkeys are going regeneration of T cells, white blood cell types that make the immune system can fight germs or viral infections.
In particular note Sooty Mangabey monkeys infected by SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) or HIV virus in primate relatives, is able to maintain levels of CD4 and T cells through rapid regenarasi of CD4 and T cells, innocent or not exposed to toxins and other compounds stimulate antibody production. Read More
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