Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Women Who "Serve" 1500 Husband

If Madame EROT, "sexual shaman" is legendary, "had such and such a" such and such a man of his clients, then this one lady who practices directly on the bed. Professional love doctor-cost £ 100 per single session with a patient.

WARNING: This article is adult reading. The kids do not read it.

His name was Mare Simone, 54 years old. He opened the sex therapy clinic with a patient husband and wife in the United Kingdom and the United States. News blog cites an article in The Sun, during the 23-year career, Simone has served 10 thousand more patients in which some 1,500 of whom were treated with direct practice sex in bed. Simone sex therapy clients generally are husbands, wives, and couples dating relationships.

He said his job is not something that is illegal or unlawful, and not prostitution. "I make money by sleeping with a boyfriend or husband of another woman. But is not prostitution because sex therapy treatment is legal, "said Mare Simone, doctors love her skin was wrinkled with age.

"Patients are not paying for sex relationship which we do in bed, but for therapeutic treatment that I give."

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