Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Definition of Love, as Told by Children 4-8 Years Old

Mathew – 6 years old : Love is...When someone hurts you... even when you hurt don’t cry because you know it will hurt the person who has hurt you!

REBECCA – 8 years old: Love is...When my Granny had athritis, and couldn’t paint her Granpa did it for her, even though he had athritis too...

KARL – 5 years old: Love is... When a girl uses perfume and a boy uses after shave...and they go out together...and smell one another

LAUREN – 4 years old: Love is... When you know that your older sister loves you...because she gives you all her old clothes...and has to go out and buy new!

TOMMY – 6 years old : Love is...When an old lady and an old man...are still good friends even though they’ve known one another for a long time

BILLY – 4 years old : Love is... When someone loves you...the way they say your name... It’s different! Read More


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