Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Suzumebachi, Japan Slayer Bees

Suzumebachi, slayer Bees Japan, Killing 30 000 30 Tail Promissory Honey Bees
Have you ever beaten a bee with an adult size of your thumb? would be a nightmare for anyone who experienced it. Did you know that there are far more frightening bees from bee house your typical encounter? and certainly not many who live after it was stung by bees. Bees are known as Suzumebachi. Bees from Japan this is one of the most feared predators of insects. Has a length of 5 cm (2 ins) and with a wingspan of about 7.6 cm (3 in), not many insects that have a size like this. Although found throughout Asia, the Japanese bee, aka the Asian giant wasp (Vespa mandarinia), but the largest population in mountainous areas in Japan. Japanese bee sting is the size of about 6 mm (0.25 in) in length and able to inject a powerful toxin that can damage the network or even destroy human flesh. A Japanese scientist who received shock sensations described as feeling "like a hot nail driven into his leg."

If stung by a giant bee, treatment should be done immediately, because people could die if exposed to shock them. Although less toxic than the venom of honey bees, but bees Japanese giant has a number of toxins per sting is very large, perhaps the greatest among bees bees. Approximately 40 people die in Japan every year after being struck, particularly as a result of an allergic reaction to poison. Read More


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